How did this unique Birchas Habayis come about?
One of my favorite things to do when visiting Israel is to wander around the Old City of Jerusalem and Tzfas with my camera, looking for photo opportunities.
The beautiful doors of these historic cities, whether it be from a home, yeshiva, or shul, always managed to get my attention. Their colors, vibrancy and uniqueness were unparalleled. My camera was often out, snapping photos of these gems. Every time I went to Israel, I added more photos of these beautiful doors to my “collection”.
To me, these doors tell the tale of the rich history of Jerusalem and Tzfas.
In the back of my mind, I thought about doing something with all these photos. How could I combine all these doors to make something special? But somehow it was a project that I never got around to, and it remained on the back burner for years.
This past February though, I travelled to Israel, and of course found myself again in the Old City of Jerusalem and Tzfas, searching once again for more beautiful doors. Unlike my other trips to Israel, this time my fire was lit, and I was determined to finally do something with them when I got back home.
I didn’t just want to make a door “collage”, simply lining up the doors, one after the other. I wanted to make it meaningful to me. I decided to look for an inspirational passuk in the Torah about "doors" or "entranceways".
I found one, but it just didn’t feel perfect to me.
One day while thinking about what to do, I had a sudden inspiration. It was as if a lightbulb went off in my mind. Why not incorporate all these beautiful doors to make an elegant Birchas Habayis, asking Hashem to open the doors of my home to bracha, hatzlocha, shalom etc.
I loved the idea immediately! I was able to visualize it in my mind; I would place the “yehi ratzon” in the center, and the photos of all the gorgeous doors would surround it. The main background color would be blue of course, because what other color do you think of when thinking of the Old City of Jerusalem and Tzfas? I would use the color gold as a gorgeous accent for the text of the Yehi Ratzon.
Finally, this thought that was in the back of my mind for so many years felt like it was becoming a reality.
When I first had the idea to do this project, my initial thought was just to make it for myself; and hang it in my own home. As I got more involved in creating this masterpiece, I happened to have mentioned it to a few people, who all loved the idea and expressed interest in owning something like this as well. I continued to get tremendous positive feedback from many people, ultimately leading me to the decision to make this available to the public.
The doors in this Birchas Habayis are all from the Old City of Jerusalem, or Tzfas, from various shuls, yeshivas, or people’s homes.
For example, the famous Ari's shul in Tzfas, the home of the Beit Yosef-Rabbi Yosef Caro in Tzfas, and the famous Churva shul in the old city in Jerusalem. There is also one door that is in the shul in
Mearat Hamachpela in Chevron.
Available in a numbered limited edition.
Each piece will come with a certificate of authenticity.
I truly hope you enjoy your Birchas Habayis as much as I do, and that it is the means to bringing you much Bracha and Hatzlocha into your home!
יהי רצון מלפניך ה׳
שתפתח דלתות הבית הזה
לברכה ולהצלחה
לשלום ולשמחה
לכבוד ולאהבה
"May it be your will, Hashem,
to open the doors of this house
to Blessing and Success,
to Peace and Happiness,
to Respect and Love."
Please email
for pricing and more details.
This Birchas Habayis includes a beautiful coffee table book that showcases the location and history behind each and every door.
Click on this
“Doors of Israel” Birchas Habayis book to get a sneak peek on the history of each door!
“The Doors of Israel: A Gateway to Blessing” is available in the following sizes and formats:
You have the option to choose between a print, acrylic or elite display for showcasing your beautiful
Birchas Habayis.
For more details on each option, please email us at
SIZES: 12x24, 15x30, 20x40, 30x60.
Larger sizes available upon request and are on special order.
*Please check with us for updated availability.
12x24 print: 60 available
15x30 print: 50 available
20x40 print: 40 available
30x60 print: 35 available
15x30 acrylic: 40 available
20x40 acrylic: 30 available
30x60 acrylic: 25 available
15x30 elite: 30 available
20x40 elite: 20 available
30x60 elite: 15 available
Each Birchas Habayis will come signed and numbered, with a certificate of authenticity.
Please email
for pricing and more details.

Looking forward to hearing from you! I hope you’ll enjoy your new Birchas Habayis as much as I do :)
Devorie Zutler
Please email
for pricing and more details.